06.05.2020 • 

Read this section of Dwayne’s text about physical science. Look around. Everything you see is made up of atoms, which are basic units of matter. Atoms that are linked together create a molecule, the most basic life form. A microscope is a tool used to look at very small objects. To see individual atoms, scientists must use a special microscope called a scanning tunneling microscope (STM). What should Dwayne do to help his readers understand the text, and why? A. Insert a diagram of a microscope with each part labeled so readers understand how scientists study atoms and molecules. B. Set the term “scanning tunneling microscope” in red font so readers understand that this is a key term that they should look up. C. Add a photograph of a scientist looking through a microscope with the caption “Scientists study atoms and molecules.” so readers will understand why scientists use microscopes. D. Insert the heading Atoms and Molecules above the first paragraph to indicate that paragraph’s main idea, and add the heading Microscopes above the second paragraph to indicate the main idea of that paragraph.

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