10.12.2020 • 

Recognizing Causal Relationships in a Text Relationships between black women and white men were
semi-authorized, given a customary rather than legal
status .... A white man living openly with a black slave
as a common-law wife in a shared household was more
unusual, and aroused the disapproval of the Catholic
Church. In 1777 Father Luis de Quintanilla, the local
priest, complained to local authorities about their
relationship. While this caused a scandal at the time, the
intervention of Madame de Soto, and then Pierre's
purchase and manumission of Coincoin in 1778, eased
the situation. The children that Coincoin bore Pierre
when enslaved remained the property of her owner, and
between 1776 and 1780 Pierre set about buying his
enslaved children from the de Soto family.
-"Coincoin, Marie-Thérèse,"
Fiona J. L. Handley
What was the outcome of the priest's actions?
The couple was finally able to marry in a church.
Coincoin gained her freedom after others
The laws were changed to allow interracial
O Coincoin was forced into slavery for the first time in
her life.

Recognizing Causal Relationships in a Text

Relationships between black women and white men were

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