06.11.2020 • 

Refer to the passage. Which of the following best compares the ruling styles of
the Safavid and British Empires?
"Abbas has been accused, and with justice, of acting
with the greatest cruelty toward the princes of Georgia,
and the inhabitants of that province. His conduct was
very different to a number of Armenian families whom he
took in the course of his wars with the Turks. Instead of
making them slaves, and compelling them to change
their belief, as his predecessors had done in similar
cases, he sought to give his native country the benefit of
their knowledge and their industry. For this purpose he
settled them in different parts of the kingdom, and not
only gave them liberty to build churches, and to exercise
the duties of their religion, but granted them many other
important privileges. ... The principal of these colonies
was Julfà, one of the suburbs of Isfahan It flourished
in a degree that far exceeded expectation; and Abbas
lived to see his wise policy rewarded by the happiness of
its inhabitants who devoted to commerce and far more
O The Persians and the British both conquered port
cities to expand trade opportunities within the Indian
Ocean and compete with the Dutch.
O The Persians and the British both conquered foreign
regions to create empires and enslaved local
O The Persians and the British both expanded their
empires while encouraging conquered peoples to
continue their local trade networks.
The Persians and the British both only concerned
themselves with matters of trade and appointed local
kings to run the day-to-day business of government.

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