27.09.2020 • 

Rubric Mastery: A
Paragraph presents a clear claim in a logical way that reflects a depth of knowledge. All requirements are met.
There are no spelling or grammatical errors. Tone and word choice are both academic.

Approaching: B
Paragraph generally presents the claim in a logical way. Some content might not fully support the claim or evidence could be more specific and/or relevant.
There may be minor spelling or grammatical errors that do not interfere with content. Tone and word choice are mostly academic.

Developing: C
Paragraph has a topic, but organization may be somewhat illogical. Evidence lacks details or may be somewhat inaccurate or irrelevant.
There are several spelling and/or grammatical errors that interfere with content. Tone and word choice could be more academic.

Beginning: D
Paragraph’s topic is unclear or missing. Very general and/or inaccurate evidence does not address the question or reflect understanding.
Spelling and/or grammatical errors interfere with content. Tone and word choice are not academic.

Type paragraph here. Please highlight the three key concepts in your response!

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