17.08.2021 • 

SECOND GRADE 7. Betty Towle, missionary teacher, redheaded and so ugly that no one ever had a puppy crush on her, made me stay in for recess fourteen days straight.
8. "Tell me you're sorry," she said.
9. "Sorry for what?" I asked.
10. "Everything," she said and made me stand straight for fifteen minutes, eagle-armed with books in each hand. One was a math book; the other was English. But all I learned was that gravity can be painful.
11. For Halloween I drew a picture of her riding a broom with a scrawny cat on the back. She said that her God would never forgive me for that.
12. Once, she gave the class a spelling test but set me aside and gave me a test designed for junior high students. When I spelled all the words right, she crumpled up the paper and made me eat it.
13. "You’ll learn respect," she said.
14. She sent a letter home with me that told my parents to either cut my braids or keep me home from class. My parents came
in the next day and dragged their braids across Betty Towle's desk.
15. "Indians, indians, indians." She said it without capitalization. She called me "indian, indian, indian."
16. And I said, Yes, I am. I am Indian. Indian, I am.

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