20.12.2019 • 

Select only one prompt: cross-curricular content ( social studies)

1. how would life have been different if harriet tubman had not been a courageous leader?
2. explain the importance of the underground railroad. give three examples of why it made a difference. predict what you think would have happened if the underground railroad had never been around?
3. what do you think was harriet tubman’s main motivation to continue her missions even though she could have been caught? do you think you would have been able to do what she did? why or why not? you must include text evidence from the movie to support your response. write an essay (5 paragraphs) - introduction -3 body paragraphs and conclusion. you will have to do research so that you also cite text evidence from real events. each paragraph should have at least 5-6 sentences with the main idea sentence and 5 supporting details.

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