20.03.2020 • 

Select the people who are U.S. citizens.
Born in Virginia to Russian parents. Lives in Russia all his life.
Born in Egypt to U.S. citizens/residents. Lives in Egypt all his life.
Found in Anchorage, Alaska at age 2. Lives in Alaska all his life, parents never identified.
Born in Puerto Rico to Panamanian parents. Lives in Puerto Rico until age ten, then moves to Panama for the rest of his life.
Born on a ship in New York harbor to Ukrainian parents. Lives in the Ukraine until age thirty, then moves to the U.S.
Born in Spain to a Spanish citizen mother and an American citizen father. Neither parent has ever lived in the U.S. Lives in Spain
until the age of thirty, then moves to the United States.
Born in California to a Pakistani citizen father and a U.S. citizen mother who renounces her U.S. citizenship and moves to Pakistan
when the child is one. The child lives in Pakistan until age forty, then moves permanently to the U.S.
Born on an American naval vessel in the Persian Gulf to Kuwaiti citizens. Lives in Kuwait until age 28, then moves to the U.S.
Born in Mexico to U.S. citizen parents who have never lived in the U.S. Moves to U.S. at age five and lives there permanently.
Born in Antarctica to a U.S. noncitizen national mother and an American citizen father. The father lived in the U.S. for three years as
a child. The child born in Antarctica lives in South America until age fifty, then moves to the U.S. permanently.

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