31.10.2020 • 

SOMEONE PLEASE HELP BRO IM CRYING ITS DUE IN 10 MINUTES HURR The south Florida water management district is a government agency that oversees water resources in southern Florida. The state pages to answer the following question: Why do you think Florida's government has stepped in to provide policies and programs for managing Florida's water resources? Use geographic terms such as resources and ecosystem in your answer.
Gather information from a variety of print and online sources, including maps, on the use of renewable and non-renewable resources in Florida. Analyze each source for its strengths and weaknesses-- for example, is it based on face or opinion? Then write a few paragraphs describing the different perspectives you found, make sure to avoid plagiarizing and citing your sources in standard format. Do not rely too heavily on any one source and be sure to use geographic terms in your answer.

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