06.11.2020 • 

Sometimes in life we need a dose of happiness, sometimes we need someone to talk to, sometimes we need someone to hold on to, but sometimes we just wanna be alone, sometimes we need no one to talk to or hold. Their are those with nothing at all and there are those who have everything, but sometimes we have nothing but still everything, sometimes we have everything but nothing. Sometimes we wonder, sometimes we don't. Sometimes we try but fail and sometimes we don't try but yet succeed. Sometimes we cry, sometimes we get mad. Sometimes we do wrong, sometimes we do right. Sometimes we hate, sometimes we love. Sometimes we get our heart broken, sometimes we break peoples heart. Sometimes we tell the truth, but we are still lying. Sometimes we just need to relax but yet we can't. Sometimes we need quiet in a big city. Sometimes we are afraid of the unknown and sometimes we are not. Sometimes we discover. Sometimes we challenged. Sometimes we fall in love. Sometimes we find joy in a room of sadness. Sometimes we just need so free points on Hope this helps, have a wonderful day.

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