27.01.2020 • 

Speech made in 1947:
it would be an unspeakable tragedy if these countries, which have struggled so long against overwhelming odds, should lose that victory for which they sacrificed so much. collapse of free institutions and loss of independence would be disastrous not only for them but for the world. discouragement and possibly failure would quickly be the lot of neighboring peoples striving to maintain their freedom and independence. should we fail to aid greece and turkey in this fateful hour, the effect will be far reaching to the west as well as to the east. we must take immediate and resolute action.

which statement best describes the threat the speaker is warning against in the passage?

a.the spread of soviet-style communism in europe.

b.the weakness of european postwar economies.

c.the military conflict between greece and turkey.

d.the revival of fascist movements throughout europe.

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