23.11.2019 • 

The boxers the imperial court responded to this foreign threat by giving aid to various secret societies. traditionally, secret societies had been formed in opposition to imperial government; as such, they were certainly a threat to the ch'ing government. however, anti-foreign sentiment had risen so greatly in china that the empress dowager believed that the secret societies could be the vanguard in a military expulsion of europeans. this policy reached its climax in 1900 with the boxer rebellion. the boxers, or "the righteous and harmonious fists," were a religious society that had originally rebelled against the imperial government in shantung in 1898. they practiced an animistic magic of rituals and spells which they believed made them impervious to bullets and pain. the boxers believed that the expulsion of foreign devils would magically renew chinese society and begin a new golden age. much of their discontent, however, was focused on the economic scarcity of the 1890's. they were a passionate and confident group, full of contempt for authority and violent emotions.

why did the empress dowager allow the boxers to exist?

a) she wanted them to make her rich.

b) she wanted use the foreigners to get rid of the boxers.

c) she wanted to use the boxers to get rid of the foreigners.

d) she thought the boxers were peaceful.

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