12.05.2021 • 

The next morning at practice, Danny was still in pain. He was limping and kept complaining of fatigue. The coach had suggested that Danny sit out of the practice games, which was making him meaner than ever. The other boys were trying to keep their distance from Danny, but I had an idea. My dad had taught me to be kind no matter what. He said kindness wasn't always in style but assured me that it was one of the most important things in life. I walked over to Danny and the coach and said, "Coach? Maybe Danny can play goalie today. That way, he doesn't have to run, but he can still play with us. He's one of our strongest defenders, so I bet he'd make a great goalie!"

Surprise spread across Danny's face, followed quickly by a big smile.

"That's a great idea!" Danny exclaimed, looking at me with appreciation. "Please let me play, coach!"

The coach agreed, and Danny pushed himself off the bench gingerly. He shuffled over to me and extended his hand.

"Thanks so much, Finn," Danny said.

It was my turn to be surprised.

"You're a great teammate," Danny said. "I really need to try to be more like you. I just really want our team to be the best!"

"Me, too," I said. "If we look out for one other, I think we can be!"

Compare and contrast how Finn feels about Danny before and after Danny says he wants to be more like him in the excerpt.

Group of answer choices

Finn feels bad for him at first, and starts a friendship with him after.

Danny is glad he got what he deserved at first, but feels bad for him after.

Danny is his friend at first, but he is unsure if he still is after.

Danny thinks he can be captain at first, but he changes his mind after.

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