26.03.2021 • 

The Reconstruction period began as the civil war ended, and continued though 1877. The nation was faced with the daunting task of reincorporating the former confederate states into the union. Federal policies that could be applied in all states were needed to accomplish that goal. An argument for success is the fact that the Reconstruction Amendments - the thirteenth through the fifteenth - were actually passed. Which then became part of the nation construction. From the Thirteenth Amendment going forward, additional clarifications about freedom, and equality, and ways of achieving specific related objectives were incorporated into the constitution as the basis for further legal action. The initial abolition of slavery was one step in the process. The Fourteenth, and the Fifteenth Amendments, the nation affirmed the rights of citizenship, and the applicability of laws to everyone, as well as laying out specific protections related to voting rights.

I need help sumerizing this so it is not plagerised if anyone can help please help me.​

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