14.04.2021 • 

Then the people commenced rushing up from San Francisco and other parts of California, in May, 1848. . . From this time on I got only too many neighbors, and some very bad ones among them. What a great misfortune was this sudden gold discovery for me! It has just broken up and ruined my hard, restless, and industrious labors, connected with many dangers of life, as I had many narrow escapes before I became properly established.

From my mill buildings I reaped no benefit whatever, the mill stones even have been stolen and sold.

—John A. Sutter, Hutchings’ California Magazine, November 1857

Using the information in the passage, what can be concluded about the discovery of gold in California in 1848?
Many people became wealthy by staking claims for gold mines.
There were many benefits because of the discovery of gold.
Negative consequences were limited to a few wealthy landowners.
There were many negative consequences for some people.

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