08.02.2021 • 

There are nine words below. Chose 4 and write two sentences using the 4 words. Each sentence contains two words. 1.Territory – a region of land; also, a region designated by Congress and organized under a governor.

2.Diplomacy – the art of conducting negotiations with other countries

3.Texas War for Independence – The 1836 rebellion of Texans against Mexican rule that resulted in Texas becoming an independent nation

4.Annex – to add territory to a country. Such an addition is called annexation.

5.Manifest destiny – the belief that it was America’s right and duty to spread across the North American continent

6.Mexican-American War – the war with Mexico from 1846 to 1847 that resulted in Mexico ceding to the United States a huge region from Texas to California

7.Divine - heavenly or godlike

8.Justifiable – done for a good reason

9.Dictator – someone who rules with absolute power, often harshly

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