10.03.2020 • 

Today, you will investigate a key inventor who changed the world in some way. As you research the author, consider the
sources you are selecting. Remember, a primary source is from someone who was there and saw an event or knew the
person firsthand. A secondary source is someone who also conducted research from a variety of sources, and created the
text. Each type of resource has a benefit. The primary source experienced something firsthand or knew a person, however
this source may not be impartial. The information may be valuable, but as a researcher, you will want to dig deeper to find
out if the primary source has blas. You can do this by investigating other primary or secondary sources to see if they agree.
As you research, take detailed notes, and be sure to keep track which source provided which piece of information. You will
need to cite your sources and provide a list of works cited at the end of your paper. Move through the writing process in
order. You will have more than one draft to perfect your writing. No writer creates perfection the first time. The first draft
will have the key ideas in place. The final revision will have made changes to key ideas. Ensure that the evidence you
discovered supports the thesis of your paper. Once the key ideas and citations are in place, review the paper to ensure
that sentences are exciting and the grammar is correct.
When crafting the conclusion, consider how the world changed. Review the information you used and cited in the paper.
What do you see or know about today's world that was influenced by this invention? Reflect on all of the information to
create a thoughtful conclusion that pulls all of the information together.
Directions: Choose an inventor from the list below. Conduct research of primary and secondary sources to learn more
about each author. Write a five hundred word report about the inventor, and include information discussing how the
invention changed the world.
-Peter Cooper
-Robert Fulton
-Samuel F.B Morse
-Henry Ford
-Thomas A. Edison
-Edwin L. Drake
-Orville and Wilbur Wright
-Alexander Graham Bell

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