06.04.2021 • 

True or False 1. A guiding principle of the post-war peace conference, and one that would prove to have the longest lasting and productive benefits for peace in Europe, was that of self-determination.
2. One of central Europe’s few true democracies to develop after WW Im Czechoslovakia was comprised of territory from Imperial Germany, Russia, and the former Austro-Hungarian Empire.
3. Despite their having played an important role in maintaining the war effort on the home front—in both factories and in the rural area, Western women were denied the right to vote and were forced back into traditional gender roles.
4. Because some Armenian communities sided with Russia, the ‘young Turk’ leaders launched a genocidal assault against the empire’s Armenian population which killed as many as one million Armenian Christians.
5. Dividing the bulk of the Weimar Republic from East Prussia, the new Baltic state of Lithuania acted as a buffer around the Free-City of Danzig which served as Poland’s major access point to the Baltic Sea.
6. A prominent Allied power in the Balkans during the war, Serbia would gain contested territory from both Russia and the former Austro-Hungarian Empire.

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