09.06.2020 • 

True or False: The English Bill of Rights changed government in England by making all public offices elected by the people. T/F true

The U.S. Constitution codified characteristics of government in 1787 by making representatives to a lawmaking body through election and establishing limited government. T/F false

The Napoleonic Code reversed the social gains women had made as a result of the French Revolution. T/F false

Machines began to take the place of workers In between the first and second Industrial Revolutions. T/F true

Jose de San Martin and Simon Bolivar led nationalist revolutions that freed much of South America from Spanish rule. T/F true

Napoleon’s invasions on both Germany and Italy caused absolute monarchs to seize more power. T/F true

The Crimean War change life in Russia by putting the nation in control of strategic trade routes. T/F

European competition for colonies created countries without regard for traditional ethnic groupings in Africa. T/F

The Opium War affected China by forcing China to accept unfavorable trade terms with Western nations. T/F

United States supported Panama’s revolt and independence from Columbia to establish a U.S. colony in Central America. T/F

Trench warfare, poison gas, and rapid-fire machine guns were technologies and conditions made World War I a new kind of war. T/F

Religious persecution was a major source of discontent and united many Mexicans behind okmok Zapata. T/F

Peasant farmers in China supported Mao Zedong and Chinese Communists. T/F

In Europe U.S. banks stopped investments in Europe and demanded repayment of foreign loans during the Great Depression. T/F

Mussolini and the Fascists rose to power by aligning with Communist revolutionaries against the military. T/F

The attack on Pearl Harbor caused the United States to enter World War II. T/F

Allied nations encouraged open Jewish immigration as soon as they learned of the Holocaust. T/F

Allied powers knew about Nazi death camps but focused their efforts on the defeat of Germany. T/F

The use of atomic weapons during World War II liberated Holocaust victims from camps. T/F

The Eisenhower Doctrine provided aid to rebuild European nations and contain the spread of communism. T/F

Muslim-Hindu tensions posed the greatest challenge to Indian independence and led to thepartition plan. T/F

Technological innovation increased globalization through the Internet economic, social, and cultural exchanges. T/F

The Peace of Westphalia is the series of treaties that ended The Thirty Years' War in 1648. T/F

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