11.11.2019 • 

Unit 3 lesson 5 guiding questions
1. using zinn's account, make a list of the demise of the native american
nations east of the mississippi river from 1790 - 1844.
2. what did thomas jefferson originally think of indians living on their occupied
3. how did jefferson's views change over time? why?
4. what was jefferson's plan for "civilizing" the indians?
5. how did tecumseh characterize the indian way of life and property
6. what information does zinn provide his readers about andrew jackson? why
does he include this information? does it accord with your previous research?
7. how did andrew jackson encourage his soldiers to take part in the removal of
the "red sticks"?
8. zinn describes a few different strategies to get the indians to sign treaties.
what are they?
9. why were southern slave owners nervous about how the seminoles and their
slaves were living in florida?
10. according to zinn, what is the truth about the "florida purchase, 1819"?
11. american settlers had an insatiable desire for land. how did jackson's
policies encourage and exacerbate this land hunger?

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