18.02.2021 • 

Unit 7 Activity: The Early Medieval Period Introduction

This unit addresses several significant historical developments during the medieval period.
The early medieval period began with the fall of the Western Roman Empire in AD 476 and
lasted until around AD 1000. This period was marked by the growth of feudalism in both
Europe and Asia.

In Europe, Christianity spread rapidly during this period. King Charlemagne established the Holy
Roman Empire in 800. In the Middle East, Islamic caliphates such as the Umayyad and the
Abbasid came to power. The Crusades began in 1099 when European Christians fought to take
Jerusalem back from the Muslim control.

In Asia, China was reunified in 589 under the Sui Dynasty. In Japan, feudalism emerged after the
classical Heian period ended in 1185.

Time Travel Agency

Imagine that you’re working for a travel agency that specializes in sending people on a
vacation back in time. The agency can send its customers to different points in the distant
past. You’ll choose one of the regions that you studied in this unit. Then you’ll write a sales
pitch that would make a customer want to visit that region.
Part A
Choose one of the following regions that you studied in this unit:
 Middle East
 Western Europe
 China
 Japan
Write down the region that you’ve chosen. Next, list its geographical, cultural, and religious
characteristics. Also, include any conflicts going on during the medieval time period. (This just
needs to be a quick list to help gather information.)

Part B
Now think of how you could “sell” the region you chose to a customer at the Time Travel
Agency. You will write a short sales pitch, including the text for a travel brochure that
encourages someone to visit that region.
Check that your sales pitch includes the following:
 several aspects of the region that would attract a traveler
 likely dangers the customer might encounter (these may sound like negative traits but
they add adventure to your pitch)
 descriptive wording that highlights the region’s physical and cultural attractions
 fun and engaging writing that will persuade someone to visit the region
 a good argument with logical reasoning and solid evidence that will convince people to
visit the region
 interesting images of artifacts, monuments, and geographical features
Visuals such as photographs, paintings, and illustrations will make your sales pitch more
appealing to a potential customer. Make sure the pictures you use are of good quality. They
shouldn’t look fuzzy or grainy. They should be visually appealing.
Write a short pitch of about 150 words.

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