17.10.2020 • 

United States Constitution Scavenger Hunt Look at the copy of the U.S. Constitution in your textbook to find the answers.


1. What are the first seven words of the Constitution?

2. Who does the power of the government come from?

Article 1

3. What branch of government is Article 1 referring to?

4. What is their job?

5. How old do you have to be to become a U.S. Representative?

6. Do you have to live in the state you represent?

7. How long do you have to be a U.S. citizen to become a representative?

8. How are representatives determined for each state?

9. Why will some states have more representatives than other states?

10. How many senators does each state have?

11. How many senators are there in all?

12. How old do you have to be to run for Senator?

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