03.10.2019 • 

What was the reputation of the harding administration?

his administration was an honest, hard-working team.
they passed more legislation than any other administration in history.
there were scandals and illegal activity that tarnished the administration.
harding's administration did not pass any legislation and was known for its ineptness.

the policies of franklin roosevelt can be attributed to whom?

harding and his hands off philosophy.
hoover and his belief in the private sector.
wilson and t. roosevelt's philosphies.
coolidge and his quiet leadership philosphy.

which of the following were influential in pershing's decision to amalgamate, or integrate, the u.s. army with the french. select all that apply.

americans had superior training.
american troops were not ready to fight independently.
the french persuaded pershing against his better judgement.
pershing never agreed to amalgamate.
american lives would be saved.
americans were able to influence the war at the division level.

what best defines internationalism?

the build up of armaments
political and social reforms
active involvement in world affairs

who was affected by the emergency quota act?

african americans wishing to migrate north.
foreigners wishing to come to the united states.
native americans wishing to stay on tribal lands.
u.s. citizens who were living abroad and wishing reentry.

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