28.01.2021 • 

Whatever the motive for their coming, however, they managed to get across the sea. The immigrants set to work with a will. They cut down forests, built houses, and laid out fields. They founded churches, schools, and colleges. They set up forges and workshops. They spun and wove.
They fashioned ships and sailed the seas. They bartered and traded. Here and there on favorable harbors they established centers of commerce-
Boston Providence. New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Charleston. As soon as a firm foothold was secured on the shore line they pressed
(from History of the United States by Charles A. Beard and Mary R. Beard)
Based on the passage, what most likely happened after Boston and the other towns listed were established?
O 1. Immigrants returned to the countries where they were born.
O 2. Many new harbors were built in Baltimore and Charleston.
3. New towns were set up further inland.
04. Most townspeople began farming.

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