15.06.2021 • 

"When we got talking, ’cause we’re not allowed to talk our tribal language and then me and my cousin, we get together and we talk in Indian we always hush up when we see a teacher or faculty coming. And then we always laughed and said, “I think they’re trying to make little white boys out of us.” —Charles Chibitty, Comanche Code Talker, National Museum of the American Indian interview, 2004 "We were yelled at and slapped. In the 3rd grade, I asked the teacher why she was teaching that Columbus discovered America when Indians were here first. She came over and slapped me across my face. To be humiliated in front of the class, I'll never forget that." Edith Young— “The Indian Schools, the Survivors' Story” Why do you think the government wanted to eliminate American Indian languages and cultures?

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