07.05.2020 • 

Which answer choice MOST accurately expresses how the British affected the political development of South Africa?
(A) When the British and the Dutch instituted apartheid, the system was simply meant as a way to separate
races. Unfortunately, it also became a way to enforce white power and violence toward non-whites, and
that painful history influences current South African politics.
The British wanted to create policies of segregation throughout all of Africa as a way to control the
people within each of their colonies. With the help of the Dutch, apartheid was created to separate
people by race. However, this system was eventually defeated through the leadership of modern British
anti-apartheid activists.
When the British attempted to colonize South Africa, they were met with another European force. Both
the British and the Dutch supported racial segregation, but the British insisted that the Dutch and their
descendants create a detailed class hierarchy which is still present today, despite the formal end of
The British protected prior Dutch laws around race in South Africa and further created a stringent
system of racially segregated laws. This segregated system and its backlash led to the formation of
apartheid and has contributed to some of the modern political turmoil and complexities.

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