26.07.2019 • 

Which of the following statements can be supported by the information in this chart? voting rates (in percent) by educational attainment and age groups: 2008 18 to 24 years 25 to 44 years 45 to 64 years 65 years and older less than high school 27.0 29.2 40.3 51.9 high school graduate 39.9 44.8 61.1 68.5 some college or associate’s degree 56.6 63.8 74.3 79.1 bachelor’s degree or more 70.2 76.7 81.1 82.0 source: u.s. census bureau, current population survey, november 2008 the voting rate of individuals 18 to 24 years of age increases as the level of education increases. the voting rate of high school graduates is only slightly better than that of high-school drop-outs. the voting rate of individuals levels out once a college degree is attained regardless of age. the voting rate is only slightly influenced by a person's level of education.

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