19.02.2021 • 

Which option best compares the roles of Martin Luther and Henry VIII in the Protestant Reformation? options:

A)Martin Luther, a monk in the Catholic Church grew tired of the Church's corruption and challenged the Church with his 95 Theses, starting the reformation movement. While Henry VIII initially spoke out against Martin Luther, however this would change when he was not granted a divorce from his wife. He then decided to break from the Catholic Church, and form his own church, with him as the head.

B)Henry VIII and Martin Luther, having great respect and admiration for one another, decided to form an alliance against the Pope in Rome, by creating a single Protestant faith to rival the Catholics.

C)Martin Luther grew tired of the Catholic Churches corruption by selling indulgences, writing his 95 Theses to challenge the Church. This would lead Henry VIII to actively write against Luther. Henry's zeal for the church remained unwavering, and he became the Pope's Catholic Champion.

D)Henry VIII was pursuing a divorce from his wife Catherine, so he decided to break from the Catholic Church. Once this happened, Luther realize the danger of the Protestant movement and recanted (withdrew) his criticism of the Catholic Church.

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