05.12.2019 • 

which statement best describes jomo kenyatta's importance in post-colonial africa?

a) he advocated non-violence in winning independence for kenya.
b) he led a revolution against the british who controlled his country.
c) he allied with the soviet union to defeat the pro-capitalist government. d) he accepted assistance from fidel castro to overthrow the british in kenya.

2) who is often considered the "father" of kenya?

a) kenyata mboya
b) jomo kenyatta
c) joseph murumbi
d) daniel arap moi

3) as the european powers grew more industrialized, their colonies became very important as sources of
a) slave labor.
b) raw materials.
c) new inventions.
d) military prestige.

4) which european nations had the greatest influence in africa in the early 1900s?
a) belgium and italy
b) spain and portugal
c) great britain and spain
d) great britain and france

5) · decades of oppressive national political, economic, and social policies · years of internal protest · international boycotts to end discrimination · free elections held for first time in 1994 all of these are describing events in what country?
a) china
b) argentina
c) south africa
d) west germany

6) which of these was an unintentional effect of european imperialism in asia and africa?
a) it united people to oppose foreign domination.
b) it created free trade throughout the colonial territories.
c) it established christianity as the only allowable religion there.
d) it convinced native peoples of the benefits of "enlightened" rule.

7) how is pan-africanism related to africa in the 1960s?

a) it was no longer necessary following world war ii.
b) it accidentally caused the beginning of imperialism.
c) it led to the end of the apartheid system in south africa.
d) it to unify africans against their colonial situation.
8) map: "the colonization of africa, late 1800s." how is this map related to african issues in the mid-to-late-20th century?

a) the divisions led to an new beginning of trade to control the new areas. b) the divisions led to an end of the fledgling "pan-african" unity movement. c) the divisions led to ethnic conflicts following the independence of many african countries.
d) nationalist movements resulted in strengthening of colonial power throughout the continent.

9) which of these is most associated with the word apartheid?
a) racial discrimination
b) people moving
c) immigration
d) farming

10) which of these events happened in the 20th century?
a) tutankhamen becomes the leader of egypt.
b) bartholomew diaz lands on the cape of good hope.
c) nelson mandela becomes the president of south africa.
d) they pyramids are built along the nile river in egypt.

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