03.12.2019 • 

Which statement best describes this author's point of
"deutschland erwache! "
awake, germany! there was thunderous applause. then
the masses took a solemn oath "to save germany in
bavaria from bolshevism."
i do not know how to describe the emotions that swept
over me as i heard this man. his words were like a
scourge. when he spoke of the disgrace of germany, i felt
ready to spring on any enemy. his appeal to german
manhood was like a call to arms, the gospel he preached a
sacred truth. he seemed another luther. i forgot
everything but the man; then, glancing round, i saw that
his magnetism was holding these thousands as one.
of course i was ripe for this experience. i was a man of
thirty-two, weary of disgust and disillusionment, a
wanderer seeking a cause; a patriot without a channel for
his patriotism, a yearner after the heroic without a hero.
the intense will of the man, the passion of his sincerity
hitler was a scourge who would bring disgrace to
hitler had strong ideas but did not inspire strong
support from germans.
hitler was a charismatic leader who appealed to
the german people.
hitler had the ability to influence some people, but
not true german patriots.

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