02.02.2020 • 

Which statement summarizes the significance of trade routes in ancient times?

trade routes allowed for the spread of many goods and ideas to areas where they had never been seen or heard before.
trade routes allowed the leaders of rome, india, and china to expand their territories and gain more power.
trade routes provided a fast and efficient method of travel for ancient militaries.
trade routes provided a neutral territory for political and spiritual refugees.

why did the chinese develop land routes across western china?

land routes allowed goods to travel to locations that they could not reach by sea.
western china was mostly flat, mild terrain, which made it easy to travel.
the ancient chinese did not have advanced ships for travel by sea.
land routes were a source of income for the chinese government, which taxed merchants entering china by land.
which statement explains the relationship between land routes and sea routes?

merchants used a combination of land and sea routes to transport goods for trade.
common merchants used sea routes for trade, but wealthier merchants could afford to transport goods by land.
merchants could use either land routes or sea routes for trade, but not both.
sea routes were faster and less expensive than land routes but could be much more dangerous for merchants.

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