13.04.2021 • 

Who Gets To Do That? Read each action on the list. Decide which branch of government gets to take that action. Write the letter of the action in the correct circle. A. Negotiate a treaty with another country.
B. Approve the treaty once it has been negotiated.
C. Decide that the treaty is unconstitutional.
D. Refuse to pass a bill to send aid to a country in need.
E. Dedare war on a country.
F. Send someone to a foreign country to talk.
G. Decide that the U.S. should send aid to a country after an earthquake.
H. Pass a bill authorizing the money to be sent to that country.
I. Decide not to participate in a conference with other countries.​

Who Gets To Do That? Read each action on the list. Decide which branch of government gets to take t

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