27.08.2020 • 

WHO, WHAT, AND WHERE Chapter 3 Directions:In the space provided, write the word that best fits the given information. Choose your answers from the words in the box. Henri de Tonti, Northwest Ordinance, Rene Robert de La Salle, Fort Rosalie, David Holmes, exogamy, clan, polygyny, sectionalism, Hernando de Soto, moundbuilders, constitution, W. C. C. Claiborne, Bienville, maize, Winthrop Sargent, Iberville, treaty 1. Another word for corn 2. The Spanish explorer who discovered the Mississippi River 3. A group of related families 4. Appointed governor of the Mississippi Territory by President Jefferson 5. Searched up and down the Mississippi River for La Salle 6. Established New Orleans in 1718 7. Early Native Americans who had highly organized societies 8. Controlled the admission of Mississippi to the United States 9. The first territorial governor of Mississippi 10. French explorer who claimed the Mississippi region for France 11. The practice of marrying outside one's clan or tribe 12. Established the first European base in Mississippi in 1699 13. First governor of the state of Mississippi 14. Allegiance to local interests 15. The practice of having more than one wife at the same time 16. Sets the framework for a government 17. A formal agreement between two or more nations 18. Built in 1716 at the present site of Natchez

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