10.12.2020 • 

WILL MAKE BRAINIEST PLEASE HELP ME! What if North Korea and South Korea were to become unified again? In the field of geography, there is a concept of regional complementarity, which exists when two separate regions possess qualities that would work to complement each if unified into one unit. North and South Korea are the classic illustration of regional complementarity. The North is mountainous and has access to minerals, coal, iron ore, and nitrates (fertilizers) that are needed in the South for industrialization and food production. The South has the most farmland and can produce large harvests of rice and other food crops. The South has industrial technology and capital needed for development in the North.
The brutal dictatorship of Kim Jong Il, with his claimed nuclear capabilities, has been a main barrier to unification. This is a political division, not technically a cultural division, even though the societies are quite different at the present time. The geography of this situation is similar to that of East and West Germany after World War II and during the Cold War. Korea may have different qualities from Germany, but unification may be possible under certain conditions, foremost being different leadership in the north. If these two countries are reunited, they could work well as an economic unit as a result of their geography and common ancestry. Which countries would support reunification and which ones would likely not support it? Do you believe the countries will ever be reunited? Do other nations have a moral obligation to help the people of North Korea if there is evidence of human rights violations? If there is a moral obligation, what can and should other countries do?

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