20.11.2020 • 

WILL NAME BRAINLIEST Please make the graphic organizer
Please do the summary of each source
Please do the 100 to 150-word essay
Please don't copy from another website

First, you will conduct Internet research to collect information about Benjamin Franklin, one of the few Americans who were present for the signing of both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Your primary source will be either the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution. You will be responsible for finding one secondary source of Benjamin Franklin. Then, you will complete a graphic organizer that includes the following items:

a summary of each source
the organization of each source (sequential, comparative, or causal)
one fact from each source
one opinion from each source

Using what you learned from the primary and the secondary source, why would Benjamin Franklin have been a supporter and signer of the Declaration of Independence? Be sure to support your ideas with examples from your sources. Your answer should be about 100 to 150 words in length. You may find it useful to use your completed graphic organizer to support your writing.

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