29.04.2022 • 

Write a three paragraph paper that will give a solution to the Middle East problem (Jews vs Arabs). First paragraph explain the history of the conflict (why did the Jews leave their homeland, where did they go, the problems they faced in the various countries they went to [England, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Russia, Morocco, Algiers, Egypt, etc.] and what solution did the Jews come up with. Don't forget to insert a hypothesis of how the problem of the Middle East would be solved.

Second paragraph include the recent history of the Middle East (Balfour Declaration, the creation of the modern state of Israel (1948), wars of independence 1947-1948, Sinai war 1956, Six Day war 1967, etc.,), the Oslo accords, and the Abraham accords.

Third paragraph include why did Abraham accords has been working, and not Oslo, and include your solution and why or why not your hypothesis would work.

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