15.01.2021 • 

Yellow Journalism refers to a sensationalistic, exaggerated, and often tag and drop answer here style of journalism Historically, it refers to a period of time at the end of the 19th century when the United States was on the verge of war with

drag and diep answer here |regarding tensions in the Caribbean. Though you may think that the term uses the word "yellow to

refer to something cowardly, that is not the case. The term refers to a drag and drop answer here that was found in the

newspaper The New York World, a newspaper published and owned by drag and drop answer here (He also owned a number

of other major newspapers around the United States) His chief rival at the time was drag and drop answer hare who also

owned many newspapers, most notably the New York Journal The more sensational the story and headline, the more newspapers they

sold. With this as the backdrop to 1898, it is no surprise that historians often credit - or blame- these two with fanning the flames of war

with Spain over events in drag and drop ruwe here

Many consider the height of Yellow Journalism to be the drag and drop anower here off the coast of Havana. It was reported

along with a sensational artist depiction that the ship was lost due to a Spanish terror plot. However, there was

drug and drop answer here evidence of this. But it didn't matter, people reading newspapers in the U.S. were outraged at what

they read as a deliberate attack on the US. Calis for war became louder and louder and- not surprising- readership of the New York lournal

and New York World

drag and drop unswin hure

dramatically. By late- April of that year, the U.S. was at war with Späin.

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Joseph Pulitzer

William Randolph Hearst


sinking of the U.S. battleship Maine

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