Is there a 13th Zodiac Sign?

Astrology has long been a mysterious and intriguing phenomenon for many people, and the zodiac signs that we are all familiar with have been used for centuries to predict the future and gain insight into our personality traits. However, there has been recent talk about a 13th zodiac sign, which has left many people confused. Is there really a 13th zodiac sign? Let’s explore this topic together.

The 12 Zodiac Signs We Know

First, let's take a look at the 12 zodiac signs that everyone is familiar with. These are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. Each sign represents a different period of the year and is said to have distinct character traits that are supposed to correspond with our personalities.

The Ophiuchus Controversy

The idea of a 13th zodiac sign first gained popularity when the website NASA Space Place published an article in 2016 stating that there was, in fact, a 13th constellation named Ophiuchus, which runs between Scorpio and Sagittarius. This constellation is said to have been left out of the Western astrological system due to a decision made by the ancient Babylonians in order to make a 12-month calendar year.

What Astrologers Say

Many astrologers have contested the idea of adding Ophiuchus as a zodiac sign, arguing that the 12 signs have been used for centuries and that the addition of a new sign would disrupt the system. They also argue that astrology relies on the positioning of the planets and stars and not just the constellations. Therefore, the zodiac signs are based on the positions of the planets, and not just the positions of the stars.

The Science Behind Astrology

It is important to understand that astrology is not a science in the traditional sense. It is not based on empirical evidence and cannot be tested in a laboratory. However, astrology has been used for centuries and remains popular because many people believe that it provides insight into their character and their future.

What Does This Mean for You?

Ultimately, the controversy over the 13th zodiac sign is not likely to change much for the majority of people who believe in astrology. For those who have come to rely on their horoscopes and the 12 zodiac signs, there is no need to worry about a 13th sign unless they choose to believe in it. Furthermore, some astrologers choose to incorporate Ophiuchus into their readings, while others do not.


  1. What is astrology?
  2. Astrology is the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial objects as a means for divining information about human affairs and terrestrial events.
  3. What are the 12 zodiac signs?
  4. The 12 zodiac signs are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.
  5. Is there really a 13th zodiac sign?
  6. There is a constellation named Ophiuchus which some believe should be included as a 13th zodiac sign, but not all astrologers agree with this.
  7. What do astrologers say about the 13th zodiac sign?
  8. Many astrologers do not agree that there should be a 13th zodiac sign, since the Western astrological system has been based on the 12 signs for centuries.
  9. What does including Ophiuchus mean for astrology?
  10. Including Ophiuchus as a 13th zodiac sign is a controversial topic, but ultimately it does not mean anything for those who do not believe in it or consult astrologers who incorporate it into their readings.
In conclusion, whether or not there is a 13th zodiac sign is a matter of personal belief and choice. While some astrologers choose to incorporate Ophiuchus into their readings, others maintain the traditional system of 12 zodiac signs. Regardless of which camp you fall into, understanding the controversy and the science behind astrology and the zodiac signs is important for those interested in exploring this fascinating subject.

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