26.04.2021 • 

1) BaidBe Gone is a new magical cream marketed as the weapon of choice to end Baldness. According to the study one of the patients. Lucky Baid, had exactly 1000 healthy hair follides. After the first month of using BaldBeGone 3000
hair folicies were found to be healthy and producing young hairs. After the fourth month, the researcher was able to
identify 81.000 healthy hair follides
a) To quantify the effectiveness of BaldBeGone, Ms. Smile Forall, the lead researcher, asked you to model Lucky Bald's
growth function of hair follicles (m) as a function of the number of months "m" of using the magical cream.
b) Knowing that the average head will hold about 100,000 hairs (90,000 for redhead, 110,000 for brown, and 150,000
for bionde) how long does it take a patient that uses the magical cream to have a full set of new hair if she started with
1000 hairs
c) The drawback: Once you stop using the cream hair follicles will shrink and stop producing hair at a rate of 20%
per month. When would a patient that stops using the cream, after having 100.000 hairs, lose all
his hair. Model this disastrous side effect algebraically. What is the decay factor in this model?

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