1.During the 2005 Divisional Playoff game between The Denver Broncos and The New England Patriots, Bronco player Champ Bailey intercepted Tom Brady around the goal line (see the circled B). He ran the ball nearly all the way to other goal line. Ben Watson of the New England Patriots (see the circled W) chased after Champ and tracked him down just before the other goal line. a.How can you use the diagram and the Pythagorean Theorem to find approximately how many yards Ben Watson ran to track down Champ Bailey?

You can use the diagram and the Pythagorean Theorem

b.Use the Pythagorean Theorem to find approximately how many yards Watson ran in this play.

c.Which player ran further during this play? By approximately how many more yards?

Please help me

1.During the 2005 Divisional Playoff game between The Denver Broncos and The New England Patriots,

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