05.10.2020 • 

1) Here are the game results (in order) for the 1998 Baltimore Orioles, where W represents a win and L represents a loss. Overall, they won 79 of their 162 games, for a winning percentage of 48.8%. L WWWWWWW L WWW LLL W LL W LL W LLLL WW L W LL WW L W L W LLLLLLLLL WW L WWW LL WWW L W LL W L WW LL WW LL WW L W LLLLLLLL W LLL WWWWWWWWW L WWWWW LL WWW LL WWWWW L W L WWWW L WWW LL W LLLLLLLLLL W L W L WWWWWW LLLL W LLLLLL W L
a) Explain what it means to say that the outcomes of Orioles games were independent.
b) Explain what it means to say that the Orioles were a streaky team.
c) How many streaks did the Orioles have during the 1998 season?
d) Describe how to use a spinner to simulate the number of streaks the Orioles are likely to have, assuming that the outcomes of their 162 games are independent and that their ABILITY to win is 48.8%. Do not actually conduct the simulation!
e) We used technology to simulate the number of streaks in 100 different seasons, using the directions from part (d). Describe the variability in the results of the simulation.
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f) Based on the simulation, is there convincing evidence that the Orioles were a streaky team? Explain your reasoning.

1) Here are the game results (in order) for the 1998 Baltimore Orioles, where W represents a win an

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