09.02.2021 • 

1. If a height of each of the bars in a bar graph get taller as you go from the far left to the far right, the data are: A. skewed left

B .symmetrical

c skewed right

D. No answer text provided.

2. If the height of each of the bars in a bar graph get shorter as you go from the far left to the far right, the data are:

A. skewed left

B. symmetrical

C. skewed right

D. No answer text provide

3. If the height of the each of the bars in a bar graph as you go from the far left to the right gets taller until you reach the middle and then gets shorter as you continue to the far right, the data are:
Group of answer choices

A.skewed left

B. symmetrical

C. skewed right

D. No answer text provided.

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