04.09.2019 • 

1) if the largest term in a distribution is doubled, which of the following will definitely change? i. the mean ii. the median iii. the mode
i only
ii only
i and ii
i, ii, and iii
2) which of the following is not a property of the sample standard deviation s?
question options:
sensitive to changes in the distribution
calculated based on the mean
larger than the population standard deviation
resistant to extreme data values
3) in a distribution where the mean is to the right of the median, the histogram of the distribution will probably:
question options:
show a uniform distribution
be symmetric
have a longer tail on the right side
be bi-modal
4) a five-number summary (min, q1, median, q3, max) for a set of data is (15,20,35,50,115). which is the largest number listed below that is not an outlier?
question options:

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