07.11.2019 • 

1. jack is driving from georgia to florida, a distance of mot
after driving 75 mile, jack stops for a snack write a
to find out how much farther jack has to drive to re
florida, a distance of more than 135 miles.
stor a snack write and solve an inequality
has to drive to reach florida.
2. isaiah and corey are going to a football a
have at least $85 in his wallet. he currently has $35.
to a football game this saturday. corey wants to
currently has $35. write and solve an
e cash corey should put in his wallet.
3.- zack is burning a music cd. the cd holds at most
has already selected 75 minutes of music. write
find how many more minutes of music zack can
4 delmis must write a report with more than
so far, she has written 459 words. write and solve an iney
many more words delmis needs to write for her report.
5. mark hopes to be at least 76 inches tall. right now he
an inequality to find how much more mark wou
cd holds at most 140 min. of music. zack
les of music. write and solve and inequality to
music zack can select.
th more than 1,000 words for her history class.
- write and solve an inequality to find how
ve at least 76 inches tall right now he is 63 inches tall. write
6. jose is allowed to surf the internet for only ghoul
been online for 2 hours this week. write ar
ne internet for only 6 hours a week. he has already
hours this week, write and solve an inequality to find

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