03.06.2021 • 

25 POINTS !Pls answer it correctly!! I will report you if you answer the question with no answer ... The data for the growth of a plant Leo purchased is given in the table below.
Months Height
(in inches)

Part b

A . When Leo bought the plant it was about 4 inches in height and it continue to grow approximately the same amount for the next six months

B . Leo brought the plant it was 4 inches in height and continue to grow approximately 1 inch each month

C . Leo bought the plant it was about 2 inches in height and continue to grow approximately 1 inch each month

D . Will you want to plan it was 2 inches in height and you continue to go possibly 2 inches each month

25 POINTS !Pls answer it correctly!! I will report you if you answer the question with no answer ..

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