14.10.2019 • 

3.3.4 practice: modeling: graphs of functions

practice assignment

algebra i sem 1 (s4538856)


points possible: 20

date: october 10th, 2019_

your assignment: factory lighting problem

in this assignment, you may work alone, with a partner, or in a small group. discuss the results of your work and/or any lingering questions with your teacher.

you are deciding whether to light a new factory using bulb a, bulb b, or bulb c.

which bulb would be better to use on the factory floor?

which bulb would be better to use in the break room?

to answer these questions, you will compare the energy usage of the three bulbs. the amount of energy the lights use is measured in units of kilowatt-hours. a kilowatt-hour is the amount of energy needed to provide 1000 watts of power for 1 hour.


double click on the image and circle the two bulbs you picked.


make sense of the problem

what do you know?

what do you want to find out?

what kind of answer do you expect?

3. practice: summarizing (3 points)

the energy usage of a light bulb is a function. the input for the function is measured in hours

the output of the function is energy usage, measured in

identify the functional relationship between the variables. is a function of

the graph of the function will show energy usage on the axis and time on the axis.


practice: organizing information (2 points)

use the data given to complete the table for your first bulb.

data table a

kind of bulb:

time (hours)


energy (kwh)


point (time, energy)

(x, y)




practice: organizing information (2 points)

use the data given to complete the table for your second bulb.

data table b

kind of bulb:

time (hours)


energy (kwh)


point (time, energy)

(x, y)




practice: organizing information (5 points: 1 point for labels, 2 points for each graph)

label the axes of the graph with "time (hours)" and "energy (kwh)." plot the points from table a on the graph. connect the points with a line. on the same graph, plot the points from table b and connect them with a line. double click on the graph below to plot your points.


practice: summarizing (1 point)

classify each of your graphs as increasing, decreasing, or constant.

first bulb:

second bulb:

8. practice: summarizing (2 points)

fill in the blanks.

first bulb:

when 3 is the input, the output is

when 10 is the input, the output is

second bulb:

when 3 is the input, the output is

when 10 is the input, the output is

9. practice: summarizing (1 point)

the workers leave the lights on in the break room for stretches of about 3 hours. which light bulb would light this room using the least amount of energy?

10. practice: summarizing (1 point)

the lights in the main room of the factory stay on for stretches of 9 hours. which kind of light bulb would light this room with the least amount of energy?

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