02.02.2020 • 

45 points

khianna had a fun filled day with her sister that was full of math calculations. state whether each answer is reasonable or not and justify your response. if the answer is not reasonable, find the error and correct the solution.

1. khianna and her sister went to the movies. below is what they spent at each location.

tickets = $15.68

popcorn and drinks = $12.31

video games = $7.25

khianna calculated that they spent $35.24 at the movies.

2. next khianna went shopping for her outfit for a dance at the school. she planned to buy shoes, jewelry, nail polish, makeup, and a dress at the mall. at one store she bought nail polish for $4.79 and makeup for $21.45. at another store she bought shoes for $26.43. at a third store she bought her dress for $168.27. she calculated that she spent $389.21.

3. then it was khianna’s sisters turn to shop. she bought 3 sweaters at $18.99 each and 2 pairs of pants at $29.99 each. khianna calculated it would be $116.95 before tax.

4. after shopping khianna and her sister went to a restaurant. when the bill came, khianna noticed that the bill was hand written. so, khianna checked to see if the waitress did her math correctly. below is the actual bill.

hamburger = $7.95

chicken salad = $8.96

drink = $4.99

drink = $2.43

dessert = $4.75

dessert = $3.45

total = $32.53

5. khianna’s and her sister talk at dinner about her sister going to college next year. her sister tells her that in addition to tuition she has to pay room and board and for a meal plan for the 10 months she will be living there. room and board at the dorm is $982 a month and the meal plan is $203 per month. khianna calculates that it will end up costing $11850 just for room and board and the meal plan.

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