10.12.2020 • 

5 Clara states that r2 +5r + 3r is an equivalent expression to 9r. Why Is Clara's statement Incorrect?
Choose all that apply.
A The expression r +5r+ 3r simplifles tor? + 8, which is not equivalent to 9r.
B When you substitute i forr In both expressions, r’ +5r4-3r has a value of
10 and 9r has a value or 9. These values are not equal.
C The expression ra +57 + 3r simplifles to 10r, which is not equivalent to 9r.
D When you substitute 2 for r In both expressions, rạ 50+ Br has a value or
20 and 9r has a value of 18. These values are not equal.
E When you substitute 4 for r in both expressions, r5r+ Br has a value or
48 and 9r has a value of 36. These values are not equal.
F The expression r +56 + 3r simplifies to rir + 8), which is not equivalent
to 9r.

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