05.05.2020 • 

8.2.22 To investigate whether there is an association between happiness and income level, we will use data from the 2002 General Social Survey (GSS), cross-classifying a person's perceived happiness with their family income level. The GSS is a survey of randomly selected U.S. adults who are not institutionalized. Not too happy Pretty happy Very happy Total Income? Above average 21 159 110 290 Average 53 372 221 646 Below average 94 249 83 426 Total 168 780 414 1,362 State the appropriate null and alternative hypotheses in words. Explain why it would be okay to use the theory-based method to find a p-value for this study. Use an appropriate applet (for example, the Multiple Proportions applet) to find and report the following from the data: (i) the name of the statistic and its numeric value and (ii) the theory-based p-value. Interpret the p-value in the context of the study. State a complete conclusion about this study, including significance, causation, and generalization. Be sure to explain how you are arriving at your conclusion.

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