06.05.2020 • 

A 2018 Beliefs and Values survey by Gallup used a random sample of 1024 American adults to examine American’s attitudes about the morality of alcohol and marijuana use. Respondents were asked, "Regardless of whether or not you think that it should be legal, for each one, please tell me whether you personally believe that in general it is morally acceptable or morally wrong."Here are some findings displayed in the published report: Drinking Alcohol Smoking Marijuana % Acceptable % Wrong % Acceptable % WrongU.S. adults 78 19 65 31 Gender Men 84 15 70 26 Women 73 23 59 361. The study is:.A. A longitudinal cohort studyB. Matched pair/ repeated measure experimentC. An unscientific study using voluntary responseD. A case-control observational studyE. A Cross sectional sample surveyF. A completely randomized experimentG. A census (Population Data)2. how many variables are included in this summary data?a. 1b. 3c. 2.d. 4e. 6f. 5g. 7h. 8i. 9J 123. How many variables in this summary quantitative?A. 0.B. 2C. 1D. 3E. 4F. 5G. 7H. 6I. 8J. 9K. 124. Interpret the finding in context and select all correct conclusions.A. More men than women in the study believed that drinking alcohol is morally acceptable.B. Overall, respondents believed that drinking alcohol was more morally acceptable than smoking marijuana.C. Overall, a greater proportion of respondents believed that drinking alcohol is morally acceptable than believed smoking marijuana to be morally acceptable.D. More men than women in the study believed that drinking alcohol is morally acceptable.

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