01.03.2021 • 

A basketball player has made 80% of her foul shots during the season. Assuming the shots are independent, find the probability that in tonight's game she.. Blank 7) What is the probability that she will only make 6 of the 10 foul shots in the 4th quarter? % (Round to the whole percent)

Blank 8) What is the probability that she will make 6 or more of the 10 foul shots in the 4th quarter? % (Round to the whole percent)

Blank 9) What is the probability that she will make less than 6 of the 10 foul shots in the 4th quarter? % (Round to the whole percent)

Blank 10) What is the probabilty that she will miss 3 of the 10 foul shots in the 4th quarter? % (Round to the whole percent)

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